Sport ignition leads set: SPT855
Make: Audi
Type, model: Coupe (B3/Typ 8B) 1988-1991
Name: Coupé
Engine: 2.3 i L (Mot 7A-NG)
Power (HP): 135-170 (99-125)
Cylinders: 5
Year: 1988-1994
£ 92,99
Sport Ignition leads set to Audi Coupé with engine 2.3 i L (Mot 7A-NG). Catalogue number: SPT855
Make: Audi
Type, model: Coupe (B3/Typ 8B) 1988-1991
Name: Coupé
Engine: 2.3 i L (Mot 7A-NG)
Power (HP): 135-170 (99-125)
Cylinders: 5
Year: 1988-1994